Almost any person had bleeding gums at some point of life. This fact is commonly considered as something normal. But should we treat it this way? People should not neglect this fact, as it can be a sign of infection. Very few people think of some serious gum disease when they experience gum bleeding. Meanwhile, it can bring to very serious consequences and even periodontics experts will not be able to help.
Regular dental care can prevent gum disease so you need to take good care of your teeth and gums on a daily basis. Our mouths are full of bacteria. When bacteria are not removed, they form a sticky, colorless plaque on teeth that turns harder and harder with time until tartar is formed. You will be able to get rid of it with professional cleaning only. There is no big discomfort at this stage. This is why people are not inclined to take measures urgently.
Those who do not try to solve this problem may face gingivitis – inflammation of the gums. The signs of this gum disease are red, swollen gums and their bleeding. This condition is a mild form of periodontal disease. You still have a chance to stop development of a serious medical problem.
The patient needs to visit a periodontist who focuses on the gum diseases that cause destruction of gums. If patient does nothing, the complication can develop further and advance to the severe form of periodontal disease called periodontitis.
During periodontitis, the space is formed between gums and teeth. They are called pockets in periodontics. Infected pockets make the teeth loose and this ultimately leads to teeth loss. The periodontal disease destroys tooth supporting structures.
Experts in periodontics warn about such risk factors as smoking and medicines that decrease the flow of saliva, which has a protective effect on the mouth. There are conditions that make people more prone to developing infections, for example, diabetes. Some people have genetic susceptibility to gum disease.
During the treatment of periodontal pathology, the doctor’s aim is to put the condition under control. Doctor determines the most appropriate treatment course that is conducted along with careful daily hygiene procedures. First, deep cleaning is appointed. You should also get rid of factors that deteriorate the result, such as smoking. In the most complicated cases, the surgery is offered to solve the periodontal problem.
Healthy gums can hold teeth in place for life. Dr. Bhamra personally takes care of your dental cleaning with incredible attention to detail and state of the art dental equipment. Taking excellent care of your gums pay off with a healthy, radiant smile that looks and feels good. Schedule your periodontal hygiene visit at our office today. Feel free to call Alpha Dental Care at 905-876-0200 and receive relief in a comfortable, pain-free environment.