Our Blog

Alpha Dental Care is a family dentist located in Milton, Ontario. We know that there are often many questions when it comes to choosing a dentist or simply having general questions. Our blog is meant as a place to educate and hopefully answer questions related to family dentistry, children's dentistry, orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry.

Electric vs. Manual Toothbrushes

A tooth brush has come a long way toward reaching its current versatility. Today, we can hardly imagine our life without using it. Dental health is a crucial overall health factor.

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Dental Implants vs. Dentures

Dental implants and dentures are used when it comes to replacing tooth crowns and/or tooth roots that are damaged beyond repair. Millions of people lose teeth for various reasons and face the necessity of fixing the problem.

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Why change toothbrushes so regularly?

Everyone knows that toothbrushes need to be replaced from time to time. Yes, they wear down from regular use, just like any other consumable item. Bristles break down and/or become frayed and are no longer capable of reaching the most remote parts of your mouth and removing unhealthy stuff from your teeth.

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Foods That Stain Your Teeth

Foods That Affect the Color of Your Teeth

There is hardly a more tempting and admirable thing than a table laden with an abundance of delicacies, fruits, veggies, and sweets. During moments like this few of us think about dangers hiding behind this beautiful setting.

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Did you Know?

Super User
17 February 2017
Cosmetic Dentistry
Foods That Affect the Color of Your Teeth There is hardly a more tempting and admirable thing than a table laden with an abundance of delicacies, fruits, veggies, and sweets. During moments like this ...
Super User
02 September 2017
Family Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry
Dental implants and dentures are used when it comes to replacing tooth crowns and/or tooth roots that are damaged beyond repair. Millions of people lose teeth for various reasons and face the necessit...
Super User
19 September 2017
Family Dentistry
Cosmetic Dentistry
A tooth brush has come a long way toward reaching its current versatility. Today, we can hardly imagine our life without using it. Dental health is a crucial overall health factor....
Super User
02 July 2017
Children's Dentistry
A pacifier is a quick and simple tool that keeps your baby calm and satisfied. It appears to be the very first thing in life for your little thing to appreciate and worship. This is why young mothers ...
Super User
17 September 2017
Children's Dentistry
Lots of nursing moms are as happy about seeing first teeth erupt in their babies as they are worried. This is quite painful for babies, and they often get anxious and sometimes extremely noisy....