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Alpha Dental Care is a family dentist located in Milton, Ontario. We know that there are often many questions when it comes to choosing a dentist or simply having general questions. Our blog is meant as a place to educate and hopefully answer questions related to family dentistry, children's dentistry, orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry.
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Dental Braces for Adults

A shining smile is a much sought-for attribute of life for people of all ages and walks of life. The dental industry is responding by developing and introducing new sophisticated tooth correction methods, tools and techniques. Not quite so long ago, braces were largely believed to be good for children and teenagers only. Now there is no doubt that it is possible to correct a smile at any age.

Braces are great for correcting different flaws: gaps between teeth, overcrowded and crooked, malocclusions, under- and overbites, improper jaw position, etc.

Why tooth position needs correction?

Crooked and misaligned teeth are more likely to deteriorate, because food is more likely to get stuck between them and cause bacteria to proliferate. Also, these conditions may cause plaque. This may lead to early tooth decay and gum disease.

Braces should be installed by a highly qualified orthodontist, and it takes a lot of research for a client to find a decent specialist. This is a kind of matter where you should not take chances. Correct installation is the only condition for achieving a desired result!

Types of braces

There are several types of braces, which differ in shape, material, and… price.

Conventional metal braces are the most common. An orthodontist will place metal brackets onto the front side of each tooth and connect them with a piece of metal wire. From time to time, you will need to have the wire pulled or released. The procedure is carried about every 5 weeks. One reason why many people do not like this type of braces is their conspicuousness. This type of braces can also be made of tooth-colored ceramic material. Although the braces themselves will be less seen, the wire will be noticeable. Ceramic braces are a little more expensive than metal ones.

Lingual braces are installed on the back side of the teeth. They are not visible and therefore some people find this option attractive. However, they contact with the tongue and may cause soreness and irritation. Besides, they are harder to install.

Clear aligners are not visible from far away, because they are transparent. They are designed to fit onto the whole row and can be removed easily when necessary. They need to be replaced after about two weeks.

New pattern of dental care

Once you have had braces installed, you have an extra responsibility in terms of caring for your teeth. Also, you need to avoid types of food, which can damage your braces (hard and sticky food).

Now it is time to go away from the standard twice-a-day brushing pattern. With braces on your teeth, you need to brush them right after each meal. Now food particles are more likely to get stuck between your teeth and the braces. This creates a greater potential for tooth decay. Use a soft toothbrush. Divide the procedure into three stages:

  1. Brush along the gum line
  2. Brush the upper part of the braces holding your toothbrush at a downward angle
  3. Brush the lower part of the braces at an upward angle

Flossing should be more complex too, because you have to floss under the wire as well.

At Alpha Dental Care we offer traditional braces for Milton, Acton, Burlington, Campbellville orthodontic patients. If you want to learn more about our orthodontic services, call our office at 905-876-0200 or send us a message via our contact request form.

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