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Alpha Dental Care is a family dentist located in Milton, Ontario. We know that there are often many questions when it comes to choosing a dentist or simply having general questions. Our blog is meant as a place to educate and hopefully answer questions related to family dentistry, children's dentistry, orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry.
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Myths About Root Canal Treatment

What is root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is applied when the pulp of a tooth gets infected and has to be removed (pulpitis). After that, the dentist should clean, fill in and seal the canal. This kind of tooth damage results from tooth decay left untreated for a long time, and/or traumas. The condition can be extremely painful and may require emergency dental help.

The most feared one

This is one of the most complex and dreaded part of dental care. Fears have spawned countless myths that continue to mislead patients and prevent them from taking right steps in the right time. In other words, there are a few common myths, which we are going to debunk right here and right now.

Myth One: root canal treatment is extremely painful.

No longer! Today, dentists use a variety of effective anesthetics, which simply switch off the pulp nerve and those surrounding the bad tooth. In fact, it is our awareness of how exactly the procedure is carried out and the expectation that give us the biggest pain.

Myth Two: pain will disappear right after the treatment is over.

This is unlikely, because all types of surgery, even minor ones just like this, imply direct impact on tissues with medical instruments. There is no way to probe, drill or poke around in your teeth and gums without disturbing tissues. Therefore, you have no choice but to deal with a little sensitivity for a couple of days.

Myth Three: after root canal treatment, the tooth will inevitably need to be pulled.

Not if the procedure has been done properly. Root canal treatment involves a whole bunch of procedures, which result in full and complete disinfection and filling in of every tiniest hole or gap. In fact, it is saving a tooth, not eventually pulling it, that is the ultimate goal of root canal treatment.

Myth Four: root canal treatment requires many visits.

This is true, but only partially. Yes, root canal treatment is known to be one of the lengthiest dental care procedures. It includes a whole bundle of manipulations. However, it rarely takes more than two visits. As a rule, the first visit involves extraction of the pulp, disinfection, and placement of a temporary filling, which should stay there until the canal is completely free of any bacteria. During the next visit, you will have your tooth filled with a permanent material or crowned. Not unlikely, if your case is severe, you will need a few follow-up visits.

Myth Five: the removal of the pulp will ‘kill’ the tooth.

This refers to the pulp’s function. Its role can be considered ultimate at a young age, when teeth are growing. The pulp contains nerves and blood vessels, which supply nutrients to the dental tissue and thus keep it growing. However, once your teeth stop growing, there is only one function left – giving you pain when a problem occurs in a tooth, to alert you and make you want to take steps to solve it.

Myth Six: the effect of root canal treatment does not last long.

This sounds like a call from several decades ago. Today’s techniques and tools provide a success rate of about 85%, and there are reasons to believe it will continue to grow. Even if the canal gets infected again years later, it can be refilled.

If you have any dental issue, please call Alpha Dental Care today at 905-876-0200 and receive relief in a comfortable, pain-free treatment.

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